Liminal secures FSP license from FSRA in ADGM   Read more


Setup compliance checks across your organisation to comply with key regulations and address evolving threats

Liminal offers a seamless infrastructure that streamlines industry-standard compliance, real-time monitoring, and precise information sharing directly from our dashboard.

Liminal Dashboard

Dynamically enforce critical compliance checks on all inbound and outbound transactions using Liminal Firewall

KYC Checks

Ensure the security of your organisation’s wallets by prioritising identity checks. Grant admin and signer permissions to approve access to the right team
Transaction Checks Icon

Transaction Checks

Create personalised workflow policies for outbound and inbound transactions, with address checks to authenticate the flow of funds

Travel Rule Checks

Automate information capture and validation to generate accurate reports and securely share transaction and beneficiary details
Dashboard Image

Strengthen your compliance capabilities with CFT & AML powered by Elliptic & TRM Labs

Apply Know Your Transaction (KYT) protocols to avoid interactions with malicious accounts and abide by AML/CFT (Counter Financing of Terrorism) regulations. TRM and Elliptic offer solutions to detect and identify transactions associated with sanctioned entities and high-risk addresses or activity patterns

Get the right wallet composition and automate compliance processes to meet transaction requirements

Eliminate the manual process of tracking wrong address transactions, spam addresses and payment acceptance from illicit sources through your primary wallets. Let our compliance automation framework carry out screening by simply setting the right policies
Dashboard View

Accredit your wallets with bank-grade security & powerful compliance network for complete asset protection

Liminal is spearheading institutional compliance infrastructure with top-of-the-line security certifications

CCSS Certificate id

Enable the Travel Rule built right into your wallets through Liminal's integration with Notabene

Travel Rule Checks Icon

Manage Travel Rule requests effortlessly

Approve or decline Travel Rule data transfer requests hassle-free

Streamline transactions

Automate recurring transactions that match your criteria instantly
Verify business partners Icon

Verify business partners

Identify and authenticate your business associates

Ensure Secure Data Exchange

Safely share and store customer information
Checklist Icon

Generate Detailed Reports

Easily create comprehensive Travel Rule reports
Bitcoin Icon

Compatible with Leading Protocols

Supports the most widely used industry standards

Partner with a regulated custodian for institution-wide compliance

Hong Kong

Trust or Company Service Provider (TCSP)  license

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) In-principle approval received

Get all your compliance requirements under one roof with Liminal’s suite of integration

Hit us up to understand the process of setting your customized custody framework